Magnus Nordling Seniorforskare Tel +46 73 512 64 58 Email Location Kista Ask me about Posts Ask me about Expertise Corrosion in aqueous environments Many structures are exposed to water during use: water pipes and connectors, cooling-water systems, condensers, ships, etc. Network Corrosion in combustion plants Corrosion in combustion plants is a network primarily aimed at companies that own, operate or construct combustion plants. Through research and exchange of experience, problems with corrosion in combustion plants can be minimized.… Network Corrosion in pulp and paper industry Materials in the pulp and paper industry (CPPI) are exposed to corrosive environments in almost all applications. The member program Corrosion in pulp and paper industry deals with corrosion challenges within the entire production… Posts 11 Sep / Leo Svenningsson Sensor on sensor - predictive maintenance of (power) electronics Did you know it's possible to determine when an electronics component is about to break down? 08 Jan / Tor Björn Minde Generative AI must run using liquid cooling! Optimal performance of Generative AI necessitates the implementation of liquid cooling! In two preceding blog entries, we delved into the challenges and substantial energy consumption associated with training and utilizing e… 08 Oct / Tor Björn Minde Generative AI does not run on thin air! In a previous blog post, we posed the question, "Does generative AI run on thin air?" and discussed the associated challenges and strategies for mitigating energy use. We even put this question to ChatGPT, and it couldn't provide … 07 Aug / Tor Björn Minde It will not explode Let’s take a peek into the future of how much energy data centers in Sweden will use by 2030? The report "Energy Use in Data Centers and Digital System", written by us at RISE data center ICE, was recently released for the Swedish… Load More