Johan Anderson

Physicists from the University of Gothenburg with a doctorate in theoretical plasma physics from Chalmers University of Technology. Has been working at Fire Research since 2012 with fluid mechanics and CFD in fires. The work has been focused around fire safety of facades, green roofs, batteries and various aspects of travelling fires. In recent years, the focus has been on uncertainty quantification and quality assurance of calculations.
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- Comparing Empirical Ignition Models for Wood-Based Materials with Cone Calorime…
- Finalisation of the European approach to assess the fire performance of façades
- Proceedings of FSF 2024. The 4th International Symposium on Fire Safety of Faca…
- A Sensitivity Study of a Thermal Propagation Model in an Automotive Battery Mod…
- External fire plumes from mass timber compartment fires—Comparison to test meth…
- An engineering CFD model for fire spread on wood cribs for travelling fires