Daniel Bengtsson
Senior Projektledare

Futurist who leads projects for sustainable transitions in society. Expert in Foresight, Strategic Foresight, Strategic Planning, Governance Innovation, Policy, Anticipation, Futures Literacy, and Sociotechnical system transitions, with more than 15 years of experience in these areas. Background from the European Commission and the OECD.
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/mrdanielbengtsson/
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- Strategiska teknikområden för Sverige : Resultat, insikter och rekommendationer…
- Governance Innovation: Regeringens Strategiska Samverkansprogram
- Fossilfritt Sverige: Samlande kraft i omställningen mot nollutsläpp : Utvärderi…
- Foresight in Sweden : Keynote speech on state of the art of foresight in Sweden.
- Eyes on the horizon : External environment scenarios for fossil-free aviation b…
- Blickar mot framtida världar : Omvärldsscenarier förfossilfritt flyg 2045
- “Rich narratives” : Scenario analyses for the Lighthouse cities and recommendat…
- Urban Innovation Systems Analysis