Björn Ringselle
At RISE I work with plant production and plant protection with a focus on weeds, as well as with biodiversity, control of invasive species and the digitalisation of agriculture. I coordinate the plant production group.
I am educated as a biologist/geologist at Stockholm universitet (2006-2010), with a focus on nature conservation. I did my PhD and postdoc at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) on integrated weed control with focus on couch grass (Elymus repens) (2011-2017). Between 2007-2020 I worked as a researcher on weeds in grasslands, fruit and berries as well as on herbicide resistance at the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy (NIBIO). In 2020 I joined RISE.
- Current and future glyphosate use in European agriculture
- Effects of integrated grassland renewal strategies on annual and perennial weed…
- Vertical rhizome disking to reduce Elymus repens (quackgrass) abundance in gras…
- Ullpellets från outnyttjad ull på Gotland – ett utvecklingsprojekt med fokus på…
- Dry weight minimum in the underground storage and proliferation organs of six c…
- A Review of Non-Chemical Management of CouchGrass (Elymus repens)
- Plantevernmiddelresistens i norske jord- og hagebrukskulturer. Resultater fra k…
- Biologisk veiledningsprøving 2019. Ugrasmidler
- Ugrasbekjempelse i gjenlegg til grasfrøeng med korn som dekkvekst
- Effects of renewal time, taproot cutting, ploughing practice, false seedbed and…