Andrew Simons

Andrew works with resource efficiency in industry, both within single sites and for industrial symbiosis scenarios where resources are shared between different actors. He works with a variety of tools for analysing and improving resource efficiency with a particular focus on process modelling, system dynamics and technoeconomic assessment approaches.
Andrew has broad experience across different process industries from the feasibility stage of new process development through to optimisation of existing processes. His experience across different industries and stages of technology development gives him insights into challenges of technology implementation beyond technical aspects alone. This is especially important in symbiosis contexts where stakeholders my have different needs and objectives that can enable or hinder implementation of sustainable solutions.
Within technical systems, Andrew has often worked with water-based processes such as hydrometallurgical approaches for metal recovery, process chemistry in papermaking, and general industrial wastewater treatment techniques. Included in this work is application of techniques such as water mapping to find water savings and reuse opportunities.
Project portfolio:
• System dynamic modelling and technoeconomic assessment for water symbiosis between different actors
• Dynamic modelling and technoeconomic analysis of a symbiosis greenhouse in Sweden
• Process modelling to assess water and energy trade-offs in papermaking
• Sector analysis of water use in the Swedish biobased industry
• Water mapping at both the chemical cluster level and for individual sites in different industries
• Development and piloting of processes for recovery of various metals from wastes such as fly ashes, spent catalysts and scrap materials including superalloys
• Improving the recycling of chemicals from wastewater in gold mining
• Detailed process design, equipment selection and pre-commissioning for a novel chemical process
- Sulfidic mine waste rock alkaliphilic microbial communities rapidly replaced by…
- Områdesanalys om hållbar hantering av processvatten i den biobaserade industrin
- Minskad belastning på dricksvattenresursen genom industriell-urban vattensymbios
- Process Water Management for Sustainable Papermaking
- Vattenanvändning och möjligheter till vattenbesparing hos kemiklustret i Stenun…