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Lab-scale rod coating for quick screening trials
Traditionally, rod coating has been used to test surface adhesives and coatings for spreads on graphic paper. But the method has also proven to be valuable for testing coating of new chemical solutions. The method has therefore had a renaissance and is now used in several new application experiments, including nanocellulose.
The effects of coating with viscose, nanocellulose and lye on different test surfaces are some examples of coating solutions that can be used. These solutions are applied to the sample using a rod. Different rods are available, ranging from smooth to grooved for different amounts of toppings and solutions. After coating, the sample is dried with, for example, IR dryer, but several drying methods are available. More layers can be applied or the sample can be tested directly in lab.
Various surface adhesives and creams can be boiled and prepared in jet boilers. Samples in A4 format are usually used for coating, but even smaller formats can be coated. Stick coating is a fast method that does not require large amounts of material. After coating, there are also many different options for testing the coated surface, such as contact angle, surface roughness and friction. A good complement to other analyzes of the surface are Cobb 60 and Cobb Unger. The strength properties of the test as well as air permeability and air permeability are examples of other interesting tests that can be performed.
Equipment for rod coating.
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Samples with coated material.