Smart Infrastructure Maintenance
The research programme Mistra InfraMaint will develop a more sustainable and efficient maintenance of infrastructure, by creating and further developing technology, decision models, organizations, competence building and business models for today's and tomorrow's demands.

Mistra InfraMaint is a research programme focusing on smart maintenance. Our vision is a sustainable infrastructure that is safe and available around the clock.
Effective and smart maintenance
The programme’s focus is on condition assessments, forecasts and decision support for investments, financing and business models as well as how municipal processes and organisations can be developed to best meet the major investment needs facing society.
Creating an infrastructure for the future
We have built a strong consortium with researchers from institutes and academic institutions. Participating municipalities are especially important for the programme. Senior researchers are supplemented with doctoral students who will largely work in the municipal organisations. This means that research is based on needs and that municipalities have increased opportunity to absorb new research.
We want to halve the competence shortage
Competence requirements are high. The Mistra InfraMaint programme aims to halve the competence shortage. That makes knowledge sharing a very important part of the programme. We plan for both seminars and web-based educational sections, as well as developing new approaches and methods to make knowledge more accessible and the area maintenance more attractive.
Video (Swedish only): Så ska Mistra InfraMaint göra skillnad - en vision vid programstarten
Project name
Mistra InfraMaint
RISE role in project
Program host
Project start
9 years and 9 months
Total budget
Chalmers, Linköping university, The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI), Lund university, Sweden Water Research, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, IQ Samhällsbyggnad (The Swedish Centre for Innovation and Quality in the Built Environment), NTNU Norway’s University of Science and Technology, Sintef, as well as a number of municipal and governmental partners and partners from industry, contractors and consultants
Mistra the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research
Project website
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Project members
Lars Thell Marklund Magnus Arnell