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EVOLVE explores practical challenges, develops technology and processes to integrate heterogenous autonomous transportation modalities into mission-based joint operations with regards to mixed passenger/goods transportation.
EVOLVE will leverage the Ericsson Innovation Cloud’s KPI-based dashboard to further integrate mobility services enabled by different classes of traffic actors.
The integration will be performed in two levels:
- strategical level (e.g. route optimization) and
- tactical level (collaborative tactical interactions).
The strategical level integration will be enabled by the engagement of actors to a collaborative mission defined by a mission profile together with the employment of KPIs measure/control, while the tactical level integration will be facilitated by real-time communications with remote operator(s) using messages encapsulated with explanations generated by explainable AI algorithms.
*) EVOLVE derives from drivEsweden innoVation clOud muLtimodal serVicE
Project name
RISE role in project
Project management, coordination, research
Project start
One year
Total budget
SEK 4 000 000
Ericsson One, KTH, Dyno Robotics, Keolis
Project members
Supports the UN sustainability goals