
Innovation partner for the sawmill industry
As an independent research institute, RISE has a unique role to develop methods together with the sawmill industry and other actors to measure the properties of the wood and to optimize the production processes so that the exchange of requested products increases and resource consumption decreases throughout the value chain.
The Swedish sawmill industry produces over 18 million cubic meters sawn goods annually. Over 70% go on exports, which makes Sweden the third largest exporter of softwood lumber in world. In addition to providing construction, carpentry and packaging industries with high-quality materials that are renewable and climate smart, large amounts of by-products used in the pulp industry and the energy sector are produced. Continuing to develop areas such as measurement technology, digitization, process technology, energy and material knowledge is important for continuing to be a world -leading industry.
RISE works together with the industry, other researchers, and institutes with projects in, among other things, wood characterization, measurement technology, digitization, as well as analysis and optimization of the wood industrial value chain. Often we create working groups and networks that contain people with different subject skills and industry experiences. It helps us to see new opportunities and solutions to the industry's challenges.
We also offer training and investigation assignments on issues that are jointly requested by the industry and by individual companies.