Lunchtime webinar Cybersecurity: Post-quantum resilience
Welcome to this free lunchtime webinar on Cybersecurity, focusing on the hot topic of Post-quantum resilience. The webinar will be held in swedish. Here is a summary of the programme:

- Short introduction of RISE, Centre for Cyber Security
We give you insight into RISE's work and focus in cybersecurity.
- Post-quantum resilience: We explore how quantum computers have the potential to crack widely used public key cryptosystems, such as RSA and elliptic curve cryptography. These encryption protocols form an important part of our current secure communications infrastructure. We also discuss possible protection measures and challenges and present RISE's plan for post-quantum resilience in Sweden. The webinar will give you an insight into the long-term security of sensitive data and communications in a world where quantum computing is becoming increasingly relevant.
The webinar is approximately 45 minutes long and will be held by Mikhail Popov, Senior Researcher, from RISE. Kim Elman, Director of the Centre for Cyber Security will moderate the webinar and also introduce the Centre's capabilities. Read more about the speakers below!
- The webinar focuses on post-quantum resilience and how we can address vulnerabilities in cryptosystems for the future.
- Prepare industry, public sector and society for the post-quantum transition.
- Raising cybersecurity awareness
Registration via the link in the right-hand menu.
23th of April
Online, via Teams (link sent with the confirmation)
The price
Free of charge
Target audience
Management groups and boards, managers, developers, entrepreneurs.

Mikhail Popov
Mikhail Popov is a senior researcher at RISE and holds a PhD in physics from the Royal Institute of Technology. With extensive experience in telecoms, automation, information security and ML/AI, he currently focuses on post-quantum cryptography and resilience.
- Introduction by RISE, Centre for Cyber Security
- Post-quantum resilience