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Qualiflash - Analysis of fluidity in aluminium melt

Qualiflash® is an equipment that is used to provide a quality index for aluminium melts used for casting. It is important that an aluminium melt is as clean from oxides as possible in order to produce castings of high quality.


The method provides the possibility of measuring cleanliness in an aluminium melt in an educational manner. The method should foremost be used as an educational tool to make sure that the internal processes of handling the melt are correct and are working. This can be even more important when using material and recycled material which may contain more oxides due to that it has been remelted several times. This makes the equipment useful for learning about process control and how to set up your melt handling routines.

Large amounts of oxides in aluminium may result in problems as decreased fluidity, mechanical properties and surface treatment properties. It is therefore important that the internal processes at the foundry, when it comes to melt handling, are in place and that relevant staff knows what happens in the different process steps and how the handling is affecting the quality of the melt.


The equipment Qualiflash® has a temperature-controlled crucible where the melt is poured. The melt runs through a filter in to a stair-case shaped die. Depending on the cleanliness of the melt a number of steps in the die are filled. More oxides will make the filter plug and less metal will fill the die. By comparing the first reference sample with samples collected after different treatments, an indication on whether the process works and if the melt handling has been successful will be provided.

By reading out of a table a so called Q-index which will give an indication on the fluidity of the melt may be provided.

The measurements are conducted at the foundry together with foundry staff. The requirements are that an operator from RISE participates the first time the equipment is used. The equipment is then possible to rent on a weekly basis if the foundry wants to repeat the measurements to assure the processes.


The results are noted in a protocol designed for this process.


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Qualiflash - Analysis of fluidity in aluminium melt

Field measurements



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According to agreement with Customer.

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Marie Fredriksson

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Marie Fredriksson


+46 10 228 49 08

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Jörgen Jernkrook

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Jörgen Jernkrook


+46 10 228 49 12

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