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Inspection of plastic equipment in the field

<p>Equipment inspections are important in order to be able to plan for future maintenance and investments.&nbsp;We have experience of inspecting stacks in glass fibre reinforced plastics, tanks and pipelines in various plastic materials, scrubbers and other plastic process equipment, in materials like PE, PP, PVC and glass fiber reinforced plastics.</p>


The purpose of doing an inspection is to allow the customer to know more about the status of their equipment. Are there any warning signs such as major defects or damage to the equipment? How long will the equipment last if it is subjected to the same operating conditions as now? Should the equipment be replaced with new or renovated in the near future? Does the equipment pose a hazard to the safety of the site? There are many questions that an inspection can provide the answers to.

We recommend conducting inspections at regular intervals in order to have ongoing control over the status of the equipment and this makes it easier to plan for any downtime, renovations or equipment replacements.


During an inspection we come out to you and the equipment in question. We carry out the inspection ourselves or together with you on site. Depending on what is being inspected, we use different methods where our best tool is visual assessment where it is preferable to compare with previous inspections to see developments over time. Also ultrasonic and moisture metering are important tools.


After completion of the inspection, a report is written with results from the inspection and recommendations on future maintenance.


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Inspection of plastic equipment in the field, e.g. flue gas plants, tanks, pipelines, stacks, scrubbers

Field measurements



Price on tender


Before an inspection it is required that personnel from us can work safely during the inspection, therefore, the customer in liaison with us shall agree on all safety procedures and protective equipment required on site. In order for the inspection to provide as much as possible, it is important that we find out all the background facts about the equipment to be inspected, materials, operating conditions, how long the equipment has been in operation and if there have been any changes during the operating time, etc.

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Jonas Engblom


+46 10 228 48 80

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