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SafeTeam - airplane and ATC
Photo: RISE Kommunikationslabbet


SafeTeam creates a deeper understanding of technology and processes regarding smart digital assistants and their integration within the aviation sector. Within the framework of the project, certification issues related to the human ability to use sophisticated AI tools and the explainability of AI operations will also be investigated.

We are on the brink of a ground-breaking transition in aviation. The introduction of new technologies, increased computing capacity and scalable storage systems combined with the increased complexity of flight procedures and its inherent safety requirements have led us to rethink how automated systems can lead to an improved workload for the people working in the aviation industry. Through a number of case studies, SafeTeam will present general design principles for the study of other digital assistant applications, as well as facilitate civil aviation authorities to quickly and safely introduce such technologies.

Human-centered perspective

RISE leads the work package that revolves around human factors and ensures that social science and humanistic dimensions are incorporated into the design principles. To design a smart digital assistant that is easy to interact with and easy to understand for the human operator, specific solutions that can support human-machine collaboration should be related to cognitive aspects. New insights in ergonomics, social robotics and psychology underlying the control of cooperative systems will be used to design more collaborative automation technologies.

Expected effects

By defining general guidelines for the development of automated digital applications from a user-centric perspective and its integration into a wide range of air traffic operations, SafeTeam shall contribute to progress in the development of digital assistants for aviation operations. With new guidelines to facilitate collaboration between humans and systems, the hope is that human performance in highly automated environments will increase and that negative side effects will be mitigated. The project will also explore how to better train and prepare operators through smarter selection, qualification and training tools to maintain high standards of safety and resilience, including advanced simulation for complex safety-critical events.


Project name





Region Östergötland

RISE role in project


Project start


3 years


EUROCONTROL, AESA, CAAI, Technische Universität München, DataBeacon, ONERA, Flight Data Services Ltd (FDS)




Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

5. Gender equality
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
10. Reduced inequalities
17. Partnerships for the goals
Hanna Müller
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