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Heat mine


HeatMineDH aims to develop business cases and investment plans for the incorporation of low-grade heat sources into high temperature district heating networks. 

To do so, it addresses the need for increased sustainability and resilience in district heating (DH) by focusing on breaking existing barriers hindering the adoption of low-grade heat sources. Acknowledging the predominant reliance on fossil fuels in the DH sector across Europe, the project aims to provide investment plans to 8 DH case studies, emphasizing the integration of low grade (or low temperature) waste heat (or residual heat) and renewable sources.


HeatMineDH seeks to overcome barriers related to mapping, policy incentives, technical know-how, and perceived high investment costs. The project's comprehensive approach includes assessing, mapping, analysing, and planning for feasibility studies and investment plans to greener, smarter, and more resilient energy systems. The project's impact is anticipated not only in achieving sustainability goals but also in contributing to the broader European energy transition and Net-zero carbon economy targets.


District heating (DH) can contribute to achieving the objectives of the European energy transition and a net-zero economy by replacing consumption of fossil fuels by an increased use of renewable energy sources. This results in heating systems that are more resilient and environmentally friendly. The HeatMineDH project will thus support district heating utilities and municipalities in achieving the efficiency targets along the next 10 years.


Knowledge Exchange Forums (KEF) are interactive meetings during which engaged stakeholders come together to share challenges and solutions in our journey to decarbonise the termal energy systems in Europe. 

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Grant agreement number: 101120948


Project name




RISE role in project

Participants. Responsible for communication and stakeholder engagement

Project start


3 years


Co-funded by the European Union

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Contact person

Emilia Pisani Berglin


+46 10 516 69 60

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