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Urban Stormwater Management

Growing Cities and a changing climate require improved stormwater management in Swedish cities in order to meet future challenges and create more attractive and liveable urban environments.

Due to progressing urbanization and densification of our cities in combination with climate change an efficient stormwater management is needed. Many cities do not have the ability to cope with increased amounts of stormwater in existing infrastructure that are expected to come in the future. Already today, the number of floods affecting Swedish cities is increasing, resulting in large socio-economic costs. Furthermore, stormwater can transport pollutants generated in our cities. Therefore, stormwater that is not detained and treated locally poses risks of transporting large amounts of pollutants to nearby recipients and in turn will damage the aquatic environment and degrade our water resources.

RISE collaborates with municipalities, authorities, industry organizations and academia to meet these challenges and plans for a sustainable and stormwater management. RISE also supports companies in their development and implementation of effective solutions for treatment, monitoring and safe transport of stormwater. Within RISE we have a broad expertise in stormwater modelling, decision support at various stages, construction of test and demo systems, sensors and standardization and certification for a variety of stormwater solutions.

Beatrice Nordlöf

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Beatrice Nordlöf


+46 10 722 33 38

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Anna Pettersson Skog

Contact person

Anna Pettersson Skog


+46 73 412 63 63

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Research project at HSB Living Lab on innovative stormwater management

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Test & demo

Testbed for evaluation of stormwater tec

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