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The Substitution Guide

Our Substitution Guide provides a step-by-step approach to help companies systematically phase out hazardous chemicals.

The substitution guide has been developed to assist all companies that are interested in systematically beginning the process of phasing out hazardous chemicals. It is based on the Swedish Chemicals Agency's substitution ladder. The guide is not industry-specific and is designed for companies that manufacture or trade in goods.

We are continuously updating the Substitution Guide with new tips, advice, and resources. The Substitution Guide is a support tool; you select the resources and tools that are relevant to your company, product, and substitution needs.

A quick guide to the contents of the Substitution Guide

Step 1: Getting information

Here you can find out more about what information on chemical content you are legally entitled to, and tips on how to get it.

Step 2: Identify hazardous chemicals

This section provides information on how to use chemicals legislation to identify chemicals to be phased out in your products and materials. It also gives you tips on how to go beyond the legislation by using different substitution tools.

Step 3: Find alternatives

Here we look at the different strategies you can use to phase out a hazardous chemical. You will also be given tips on different resources you can use to find possible alternatives.

Step 4: Assess and select alternatives

Here we look at how to evaluate possible alternatives, using both chemicals legislation and other tools (in some cases including other aspects such as functionality and economics).

Step 5: Develop new alternatives

If you can't find any possible alternatives, here you can find out where to get help and funding if you need to develop new alternatives.

Please contact us if you need help with any of the steps in the Substitution Guide!

Go to Step 1

Anna S Strid

Contact person

Anna S Strid

Rådgivare Substitutionscentrum

+46 10 228 48 37

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Nina Melander

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Nina Melander


+46 10 516 52 16

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