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Thermal Conductivity Measurements TPS method

We measure thermal conductivity (i.e. heat conduction) using the Transient Plane Source (TPS) method according to ISO 22997-2 for which we are an accredited laboratory. The TPS method can be used to measure the thermal conductivity, diffusivity  and the specific heat capacity on solids, liquids, gels and powder in temperatures between -50 °C and 600 °C.

We can also measure thermal conductivity using Transient Line Source (TLS) which is a fast and simple method with a limited temperature range between 0 °C and 100 °C.


Determination of thermal conductivity (λ) och diffusivity (α) and volumetric specific heat capacity (ρcp).



RISE is accredited for measurement of thermal conductivity according to ISO-22007-2, “Determination of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity - Part 2: Transient plane heat source (hot disc) method”. The method is specified for polymeric materials, but it is possible to measure on most solids and highly viscous materials as well as powders.


Transient Line Source method (TLS) according to ASTM D5334-14 is used for determination of thermal conductivity, which is simpler and faster than TPS when measuring. The temperature range for this measurement is between 0 °C and 100 °C.


After the measurement has been performed, a report is delivered that describes the tests, conditions, the procedures and results.


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Thermal Conductivity Measurements According to ISO 22007:2



Metrology Area


Delivery level

Accredited, Non-accredited

Field measurements



ISO 22007-2


Price on tender

Delivery time

The TPS measurements takes up to 1 week from the time the samples have arrived at RISE. Completed report is delivered within 3 weeks of the measurements being performed, a draft of the report can be delivered earlier.

The TLS measurements can often be made the day after the sample arrives at RISE. Completed report is delivered within 2 weeks of the measurements being performed.


The samples must be prepared before taking any measurements. The samples must be manufactured or processed so that they meet the requirements that the sensors place on the sample geometry. We can also process the samples on RISE. We always condition the samples for 24 hours before the measurements are performed, unless otherwise requested.

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Hasan Sokoti

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Hasan Sokoti

Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 10 516 56 68

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Johan Sjöström

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Johan Sjöström

+46 72 565 58 55

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