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Course control and control of raw sand
Photo: Patrik Svedberg

Controlling and monitoring green sand

This course provides in-depth knowledge of the manufacture of molds with bentonite bonded sand, so-called green sand.

As a course participant, you will gain in-depth knowledge for two days about how green sand (bentonite-bonded molding sand) should be composed and how the properties of the sand can be controlled to provide high quality molds. The course also goes through the casting defects caused by poor quality of green sand and which health and environmental aspects must be taken into account. An important part of the course addresses how an efficient green sand system can be designed with raw material additions, mixers, molding machines, knockers and sand coolers and how they interact.

Practical exercises are a central part of the course. As a participant, you bring a sand sample from your foundry. In our laboratory, you will learn to determine the content and properties of the sand and thereby make a diagnosis of the sand quality.


The course consists of the following elements:

  • Different types of sand and their properties
  • The components of green sand
  • Manufacturing technology
  • The occurrence of casting defects
  • Environmental and health aspects.

Target group

The course is aimed at those who work with sand preparation, production or production management in foundries where the molds are made in bentonite bonded green sand.


Mahsa Saeidpour


17,200 SEK


We give quantity discount if several of your employees attend our training/courses at the same time.

When registering two or more from the same company, a discount of 10% is given for the second participant and all subsequent ones.

Other information

The course can also be ordered as commissioned training and then also adapted to some extent to your company.

Contact course coordinator on questions regarding technical content, and the administrator on practical questions.

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Mahsa Saeidpour

Contact person

Mahsa Saeidpour


+46 70 280 69 64

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Elisabeth Holst-Samuelsson

Contact person

Elisabeth Holst-Samuelsson


+46 10 228 49 03

Read more about Elisabeth

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